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9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:被吓到的经历

9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:被吓到的经历

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  本文整理了9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:被吓到的经历供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!

  Describe an experience that you were scared.

  You should say:

  When it was

  Where it was

  Why you felt scared

  And explain how you felt about it




  鬼屋 haunted houses

  蹦极 Bungee

  听鬼故事 heard a ghost story

  看恐怖电影 horror film

  万圣节 Halloween


  I recently went to theme park with a few of my friends and you know, it had all the usual stuff you'd expect to find in a theme park, rollercoasters and things like that. Anyway we had been on most of the rides and we were just thinking about leaving when we saw one last ride in the corner of the park, which seemed to be some kind of eerie haunted house.

  We decided to give it a try and to be honest, we didn't expect it to be that scary, but actually it was really frightening in fact I'd say it was absolutely terrifying. We had to walk through the house room by room and there were waxwork models of really creepy things like vampires, zombies and things like that. The thing that made it so terrifying was because there were sounds being played through speakers in each room. The sounds were like screams and shrieks; they were more frightening than the models. There was music playing too, you know that chilling music you usually hear in a horror film. Add to this it was quite dark and it was, all in all, quite a horrifying experience. We really didn't expect it to be that scary.

  Afterwards, when we'd calmed down a bit we looked backed and laughed about it. That night I fully expected to have nightmares about it but luckily I didn't. I think if I saw a similar 'haunted house' in another park I'd definitely give it a try, I think I'd be more prepared next time. I doubt I'd find it as scary as the time I just described.


  1. 副词的使用:recently;actually实际上; 确实;absolutely绝对地; 完全地;definitely明确地; 确切地;fully充分地; 完全地;

  2. 短语的使用:theme park主题公园;kind of稍微,有点儿;give it a try试一试;to be honest说实话;calm down平静,镇静;

  3. 高分词汇:rollercoasters过山车;eerie怪诞的; haunted闹鬼的;frightening令人恐惧的;terrifying可怕的;极大的;waxwork蜡制品,蜡像;creepy令人毛骨悚然的;vampires吸血鬼;zombies僵尸;screams尖叫;shrieks尖叫声;chilling寒冷的;令人恐惧的;horror film恐怖影片;

  4. 时间状语和非限制性定语从句的使用:Anyway we had been on most of the rides and we were just thinking about leaving when we saw one last ride in the corner of the park, which seemed to be some kind of eerie haunted house.

  5. 表语从句的使用:The thing that made it so terrifying was because there were sounds being played through speakers in each room.



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