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9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:想参加的比赛

9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:想参加的比赛

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  本文整理了9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:想参加的比赛供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!


  Describe a competition you would like to take part in.

  you should say:

  what the competition is;

  when and where it would take place;

  what preparation you need to win this competition;

  and explain why you would like to take part in it.


  1.There are many competition programs on TV nowadays, why?

  2.Do you think competition is important at work places?

  3.What kinds of jobs or work should not involve competition?

  4.What kinds of competitions are popular in your hometown?

  5.What do you think of those who lose in a competition?




  I'm an extremely competitive individual and I always go great lengths to win. Failure is not an option as I'm a sore loser. When I think about a competition that appeals to me, I look no further than my favorite board game, Mahjong. In my local community a Mahjong showdown is held every year and it's fiercely competitive. People come from far and wide to participate and the stakes are very high.

  The competition takes place in a park in my local neighborhood. Although Mahjong is a game that is popular with elderly people, not all the competitors in this tournament are old. In fact, the game has recently become wildly popular among younger people. I think it's almost become fashionable to play over a glass of wine or a cup of good coffee.

  The benefits of this game have been recorded and shared for many years. Not only is it known to produce better cognitive functions, Mahjong can also reduce stress and anxiety. Doctors have also reported physical health benefits to the body, so the game is a winner!

  In order to get rid of the competition, I'd need to prepare for a few months before I'm able to play at the highest level. I will ask my grandfather to show me a few special techniques as he's a master of the game. I'll aim to keep my mind sharp and fresh, so I can react at lightning speed.



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