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9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:想学的课程

9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:想学的课程

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  本文整理了9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:想学的课程供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!

  Describe a subject you would study that you never had the opportunity to study.

  You should say:

  · what is it

  · what this subject deals with

  · what benefits you would get

  and explain why you want to study this subject.


  In my childhood, my aim was to become a renowned doctor but due to the rise in merit list for admission I could not enter into a medical college. I got admission in Bachelor in Pharmacy and now I am working as a Pharmacist. I would love to study Medical books, more specifically Psychiatry, if I get an opportunity.


  Psychiatry is very vast subject. It is not only the knowledge of mental illness, it highlights how we can enhance our intellectual capabilities. Variation in mood put a strong impact on personality and business. In my opinion, in the modern age, every person has some symptoms of psychiatric illness. If we have a brief knowledge of these attitudes we can manage the people who are having bad attitudes and they are working in our surroundings. A new subject of psychiatry is Emotion control, it emphasises who we can make ourselves happy and relaxed by just keeping our brain cool.


  Another aspect of this study will be early prevention and diagnosis. If we detect psychiatric disease at the time of its start then the result of its cure will be great. Mental illness destroys the families and economics of the patients. By preventing these diseases before commencement we can improve the society and don't let any disaster to happen. In short, our brain controls all the activities of our body and emotions control the brain. The Psychiatrist controls the whole human machinery by just controlling the emotions. Considering the advantages the knowledge this subject offers, I would love to study it with passion and great interest.




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