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9-12月雅思口语Part 1新题预测:cooking

9-12月雅思口语Part 1新题预测:cooking

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  本文整理了9-12月雅思口语Part 1新题预测:cooking供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!

  What are some things that you can cook?

  I know how to cook many things, including desserts and savoury foods. I mostly cook pasta or rice, though.我知道如何烹饪,包括甜点和美味的食物。不过,我主要做的是意大利面或米饭。

  Do you like cooking?

  To be honest, no, I don't really enjoy cooking. I find it to be a chore and I get tired of making a meal every day.老实说,不,我不太喜欢烹饪。我发现这是一件苦差事,我厌倦了每天做饭。

  How often do you cook?

  I cook three meals a day because where I live it is simply too expensive to go out to eat and I have no one else to cook for me.我每天做三顿饭,因为我住的地方太贵了,不能出去吃饭,我也没有别人给我做饭。

  What dish are you best at cooking?

  I'm probably best at cooking vegetarian dishes because I grew up in a veggie household, but I'm not a vegetarian myself and I know how to make a decent roast chicken.我可能最擅长烹饪素食,因为我是在素食家庭长大的,但我自己不是素食主义者,我知道如何做一个像样的烤鸡。

  Does anyone in your family like to cook?

  Yeah, my dad loves to cook. He doesn't work on weekends and so you'll often find him in the kitchen, experimenting with some recipe he saw online.是的,我爸爸喜欢做饭。他周末不工作,所以你经常会在厨房里找到他,尝试一些他在网上看到的食谱。

  Do your parents know how to cook?

  Both my parents can cook pretty well. They take it turns to prepare dinner for the family.我的父母做饭都很好吃。他们轮流为家人准备晚餐。

  Do you think that it's important to know how to cook well?

  I think it's a really important life skill that children should learn when they are young. Being able to cook allows you to live a healthy life without relying on junk food and other snacks.我认为这是一项非常重要的生活技能,孩子们在年轻的时候应该学习。能够烹饪可以让你过上健康的生活,而不用依赖垃圾食品和其他零食。

  Who is the best cook you know?

  I have a friend who works as a chef in a fancy restaurant. She is probably the best cook that I know because she's professionally trained.我有个朋友在一家高级餐厅当厨师。她可能是我所知道的最好的厨师,因为她受过专业训练。

  What cooking experience have you had?

  I learned to cook when I was about ten years old. My mum taught me, and we often baked together in the kitchen after school. Nowadays I still enjoy cooking and baking.当我十岁的时候,我学会了做饭。我妈妈教我的,放学后我们经常一起在厨房里烤。现在我仍然喜欢烹饪和烘焙。

  Who taught you to cook?

  Everyone in my family can cook and we all learned from our parents. In the school holidays, we'd get together and make big meals with everyone preparing something, so I learned that way.我家里的每个人都能做饭,我们都是从父母那里学来的。在学校放假的时候,我们会聚在一起,和每个人一起做大餐,所以我学到了这种方法。

  When you were a child, did you ever help your parents to prepare a meal?

  Oh yeah, we had to get involved. In my house, you had to do chores and help out in many different ways. It wasn't a choice! But it was fun and I really remember those times fondly.哦,是的,我们必须参与进来。在我的家里,你必须做家务,用很多不同的方式帮助你。这不是一个选择!但这很有趣,我真的很怀念那段时光。

  How good are you at cooking?

  I think I'm pretty good, but I could never be a professional chef. I can make lots of basic things and they taste alright, but I'm far from an expert.我觉得我很好,但我永远不可能成为一名专业的厨师。我可以做很多基本的东西,它们的味道还不错,但我远非专家。



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