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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  1. Are you a punctual person?

  Well, I think it's fair to say that I am a punctual person, for I was brought up to be bearing this virtual. I am the kind of people who attach great importance to being on time on whatever occasions. To be frank, I can't even recall a single time I was late for something important.

  2. Were you ever late for something?

  Well personally, no. Like I said just now, punctuality is something I attach great importance to. Thus, I always try not to be late on whatever occasions. Truth is, you can always see me five minutes earlier on the scene.

  3. Is punctuality held important in your culture?

  Well I guess so. People in my country always say that punctuality is a basic virtual for people to bear. It ensures that no time of all parties is wasted pointlessly, and pushes forward the communication among them.


  1. Do you like travelling?

  Yes, I like travelling very much. I always pick up a place to travel with my parents during the winter and summer vacation. I love the feeling to acknowledge the customs, people and delicious food of a new place. Besides, it is also a good opportunity to accompany my parents.

  2. What ways of transportation do you often use when travelling?

  I often use train as the prior way of transportation when traveling. When I'm on a train, I can view the scenery of cities and villages alongside the rail. Sometimes people who take the same train with me will tell me some interesting anecdotes, which adds a lot of fun to this trip.

  3. What kind of places do you like to travel to?

  I like to travel to some places unknown to the public where few visitors come. In these places, I don't need to worry about the situation where a scenery full of people would destroy my mood of traveling. Meanwhile, there are few artificial landscape in these places which allows me to be embraced by real nature.



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