本文整理了2018年5月24日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Three供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思听力考试中取得优异的成绩!
场次 20160102 2012056
题型 填空 7 多选 3
内容概述 一个女学生和导师讨论课堂陈述
填空 7
21. check the accuracy of (reference)in the last section. one thing the teacher
require student do accurately
2. need to give more(examples). another thing required by teacher
3. When will she give her presentation?(next seminar 吞音)
4. What will she do during the presentation? (explain the experiment)
5. By which date will she submit an abstract?(6th, November)tutor said the
presentation should be ready on 3, Dec, (this date is not the answer for the
test. Where to do presentation)
6. Where does the presentation take place? (in chemistry lab) (首先提到computer room 作为干扰)
7. Who will grade her presentation?(the professor) (首先说到 first one by tutor, 然后说 this one by professor)
多选 3
Circle three subjects she will choose in next term ?
8. A. communication skills
9. C. intercourse analysis
10. F. psycholinguistics
其他选项有 B. language and society
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