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2018年5-8月雅思口语Part 1新题预测:App

2018年5-8月雅思口语Part 1新题预测:App

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  1. What kinds of apps do you often use?

  2. What kinds of apps would you like to have in the future?

  3. What's the most popular app in your country?

  4. What was the first app you used?

  5. Do old people in your country like to use apps?


  i use social apps and knowledge-sharing apps everyday because the two meet my biggest two needs.

  i think in China there are already all kinds of apps to cater to people's every specific need, so it is hard for me to even name one special original app.But i would like the future world to have more apps for knowledge sharing like Quora and Zhihu(知乎).

  Definitely the Wechat,China's number one national app.It gets nearly a user pool of 1 billion.And you know what,more than half of them are daily active users. People socialise,buy,have fun and read ,basically do everything on the Wechat.

  The first app i really used is an app for podcast,named Zune. it is an app developed by Microsoft for the windows phone. i really enjoyed it so much since i can subscribe to and automatically download all kinds of podcasts from BBC,the Guardian and so on with ease.

  Yeah,of course, how can the smart app developers miss out on so important and vast a population,like 3 hundred million. There are some easy and relaxing game apps for old people and they really enjoy killing some time and even have some online social life over the fun gaming time.



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