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2018年5-8月雅思口语Part 1新题预测:Birds

2018年5-8月雅思口语Part 1新题预测:Birds

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  本文整理了2018年5-8月雅思口语Part 1新题预测:Birds供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!

  1.How do you feel about birds?


  For me, birds are incredible creatures. They come in all shapes and sizes and almost all of them can fly and sing. However, no matter where we are, there will be wild birds close at hand, and that's why some people are afraid of them.

  2.Why do you feel that way?


  Well, it is primarily because I have developed a keen interest In flora and fauna, especially flying creatures. I also watch a lot of movies about birds. For example, Rio, an animated movie by Disney, about the journey of a blue bird into the great outdoors

  3.How do people in your country feel about birds?


  Overall, they are not very into birds. Only elderly people are fond of keeping birds. Most of people only like to eat them especially game birds like pheasants. People in remote areas often hunt for birds in the wild and roast them over an open fire. They are considered sort of delicacy.

  Are there many birds near your home?


  As I've mentioned before, birds are much more common than any other wild animals in my neighbourhood. This explains why many Chinese children grow up become avid bird watchers and develop the habit of put seeds and bread crumbs on the balcony.

  Have you seen many different kinds of birds?


  Yes, as I was saying previously, I am an avid bird watcher and I find it very entertaining. with bird watching, all you really need is some interest, a little extra time on your hands, a suitable pair of binoculars, and the ability to tell the difference between the bird species you may come across.



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