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2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:伟大的发明

2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:伟大的发明

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  本文整理了2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:伟大的发明供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!

  Describe an invention that changed the world

  You should say:

  What the invention was

  What it can do

  How popular it is

  Why it is an important invention




  The cellular phone is one of the greatest technological inventions of this century. It has changed people's lives profoundly. A large number of people use cell phones and get benefits in many ways. This device is commonly known as mobile phones to many and almost everyone proudly owns at least a one of this device. This is a nice cue card topic and I feel lucky to have this on my share.

  The use of cellular phone has become a part and parcel of people around the world. Earlier, people used to make communication through telephones (also known as landlines) but with the invention of cellular technology, they are using this one for its immense advantages. People can make phone calls for various purposes and it is cost effective too. The other important benefit is that they can make phone calls at any time of the day at any part of the world. Distance is no longer a barrier to communication. Moreover, people can carry their mobile phone with them which is another important benefit of using this technology. With the evolution and innovation of mobile phones, people use them for many other purposes which include playing games, making video calls, tracking cars, updating social profiles, uploading pictures, chatting with friends, using utility applications, watching videos and listening to music. the list of utility is quite large.

  The most important benefit of a cellular phone is that it helps to make phone calls at a cheaper rate. The call rates are attractive and people can choose the right subscriber for their needs. Moreover, the cellular subscribers provide various types of offers for their client. People also get some attractive phone sets which look stunning than the old-model phones with large cables behind them.

  The cellular phones are more important for the older people than the younger. But in the present days, the younger people are also using cellular phones for their needs. In fact, in this modern age, this is really impossible to do without a cellular phone. So, people of all ages are using them and meeting their needs. However, smartphones are more popular among the young generation while senior citizens mostly prefer features phones.



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