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2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:众人笑的场合

2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:众人笑的场合

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  本文整理了2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:众人笑的场合供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!




  Every person make happy at a one point or the other. I also have lots of laughing moments but the funny are very few. But still i have remember when i wanted to saw the comedian movie because we were bored with the monotonus of study, thats why we had decided to take the break with the past for recreation, with my best friend in last month of 23rd march. When we reached to the main street of the market in the way of cinema . We founded that there were lots of animals pivot around the vegetable market. They created the traffic jam. After a long time spent in the jam ,we decided to go in the cinema by the foot walking. When we crossed some proximity. In the front a bull ran to took a man on their horns. Thats moment we could stop to laughing.when it came really close we found it is my uncle who picked by the

  bull, then again we hardly stop our happiness. Nobody helped him to get rid from bull. Finally, the bull fell the uncle on juice shop. Where its became colorful with the color. All in all in the reality it was not less than a comedian film. It was the thrilling experience for my uncle. That moment could never faid like a color.



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