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  Describe a time you saw lots of people were smiling

  You should say:

  When did you see them

  Where did you see them

  Who you were with

  And explain why people were similing


  Well, when I was in high school, I had a quite pleasant April Fool's Day together with my classmates. We had an English teacher, Mr. Bao, who is very humorous. He made a joke on us and we only found it out till the last minute. We all burst into laugh.

  I still remember that it was the morning of the Fool's Day. When the ring rang and we were all ready to have a new class, he walked in hurriedly and told us seriously that we would have a quiz instead. We were all puzzled because he did not notify us of the quiz ahead of time. As a result, none of us had prepared for it. We were all very upset. We all pleaded that maybe we could put off the quiz to next class, but he refused directly. So we could do nothing but clear our desk and begin to pass the test paper to each other. To our surprise, Mr. Bao asked us to put our pens down before we hardly finished one or two questions. We all had no idea what happened, and I just wondered that maybe it was because we had got the wrong quiz sheet. Surprisingly, Mr. Bao yelled "Happy April Fools' Day!" with a broad smile on his face. Not until then did we find that it was April 1st and we were all fooled! We laughed heartily. Though fooled, we were so pleased that we did not have to take the quiz!



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