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作者:王帆 郜天辉 侯宇 来源:北京新东方学校 点击量: 分享














  1、A Member In A Team【全新话题】

  2、A Person Who is Often In The News【老题回库】

  3、A Person Who Taught You Something Important【老题翻新】

  4、A Family Member You Spend the Most Time With【老题回库】


  A Member In A Team

  Describe a member of a team (e.g sport or work) who you know about.

  You should say:

  what team it is

  what role in the team the person plays

  how you know the person

  and explain how do you feel about the person.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -In a team, which one is important? To pursue individual development or

  to achieve team targets?

  -Do you think it's necessary for children to join in teams and learn to

  cooperate with others?

  -Do you think the disagreements among team members have a great

  influence on the teamwork?

  -Do you think children who have siblings are better at teamwork?

  -How could we cultivate students' teamwork in class?


  A Person Who is Often In The News

  Describe a person who is often in the news, and who you would like to meet.

  You should say:

  who this person is

  how you know him/her

  why he/she is often in the news

  and explain why you would like to meet him/her.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -Do you think the contents in the newspapers are reliable?

  -What kinds of celebrities that are always on the news?

  -Do you think it's necessary for people to watch foreign news?Why?

  -Would foreigners appears in Chinese news?

  -What are the differences between news in the past and news now?

  -How does dances (or drama plays) influence children?

  -What are the differences between news in the past (e.g., 20yeras ago) and news now?

  -Do you think young people nowadays pay attention to international news?


  1、A Person Who Always Travels By Plane.

  2、A person who is good at their job.


  A Person Who Always Travels By Plane.

  Describe a person you know who always travels by plane.

  You should say:

  who this person is

  what the person does

  how this person feels about flight travel

  and explain why they always travels by plane.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -What are the differences between travelling on airplanes and on trains?

  -Do you know if any trains can take you to antoher country? Have you travelled on this train before?

  -What are the advantages and disadvantages if an airport is far away from a city?

  -Some people enjoy spending time on train trip, and once they arrive at the destination, they return back (immediately), what do you think of doing that?

  -What do you think are the effects of airplane on the environment?


  A person who is good at their job.

  Describe a person who is good at their job.

  You should say:

  who this person is

  how you know this person

  what does the person do

  and explain why this person is good at their job.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -What is the most important skill / set of skills for a manager?

  -Do people in your countries have this kind of courses to learn the skills in middle school?



  1、Something that was difficult to use【全新话题】

  2、A (school or company) uniform you have worn.【老题翻新】

  3、An Interesting Animal You've Seen【老题回库】


  Something that was difficult to use

  Describe something you bought and found that was difficult to use at first.

  You should say:

  what it is

  when you bought it

  how difficult to use it

  and explain how you felt about it.

  Part 3 Questions

  -What kinds of news things do people like to buy?

  -Do you think old people may find the same thing hard to use as young people?

  -Do you think that advertising can make people buy more things?


  A (school or company) uniform you have worn.

  Describe a (school or company) uniform you have worn.

  You should say:

  what it looked like

  how you got this uniform

  when and where you need to wear a uniform

  and explain how you felt about wearing the uniform.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -Why do you think it's necessary for students to wear uniforms?

  -Under what circumstances do college students wear uniforms?

  -Why teachers don't like to wear the same uniforms as students?

  -What kinds of professions need to wear uniforms?

  -In China, do schools offer similar uniforms to their students?

  -What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniforms?

  -Are there any schools in China that allows students to wear their own


  -Do people wear clothes that have something to do with their personality?

  -Do women's clothes show more characteristics than men's?

  -What color would catch people's attention most?


  An Interesting Animal You've Seen

  Describe an interesting animal you've seen.

  You should say:

  what the animal was

  when and where you saw the animal

  what happened

  and explain why you think the animal was interesting.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -Do you think animal's lives are as important as those for human beings?

  -What kinds of things that a pet can bring to a person's life?

  -Are there any difficulties when raising pets?

  -What jobs do some animals do that can help people?

  -In China, would people used horses as a kind of tool?/ do sailors used

  horses as tool?

  -Some people said that animals in the countryside cause more problems

  than those in cities, do you think so?

  -How do animals bring problems to human?

  -Why nowadays more and more people choose to become a vegan?


  1、One Of Your Toys During Childhood

  2、A Gift You Spent A Lot Of Time to Choose

  3、Something Useful You Borrowed From Someone.

  4、A Popular Product From Your Hometown.

  5、A Picture or Photograph at Home


  One Of Your Toys During Childhood

  Describe a toy you enjoyed playing with during childhood.

  You should say:

  what it was

  when you got the toy

  how you played with the toy

  and explain why you enjoyed playing with the toy.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -What kind of influence would advertisements have on young children?

  -Should advertisements be banned then?

  -What are the differences between the present and the past toys?

  -What do you think toys can teach children?

  -What kinds of toys that children need?

  -Do you think children should play outside with friends?

  -What are the benefits of children who play outside?

  -What can they learn from playing outside?

  -What are the benefits of children who play with others?


  A Gift You Spent A Lot Of Time to Choose

  Describe a gift you spent a lot of/long time to choose

  You should say:

  what the gift was

  who the person you gave the gift to

  how he/she felt about the gift

  and explain why you spent a lot of time choosing the gift.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -Do you think people prefer receiving practical gifts or other kinds of gifts?

  -Are there any gifts that people like but they are not practical?

  -Do men and women have different attitudes towards gifts?

  -Do you think people (often) give green tea as a gift?

  What kinds of gifts are popular in China?

  Why do people give something to others as gifts?


  Something Useful You Borrowed From Someone.

  Describe something useful you borrowed from someone.

  You should say:

  what the item was

  who you borrowed the item

  why you borrowed the item

  and explain why it was a good item.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -Who do they more often borrow from, their family or their friends?

  -How long do people usually keep the things that they have borrowed before they return them?

  -Do you think borrowing ever leads to disputes between people?

  -Do you think there are any differences between borrowing money from family members and borrowing it from friends?

  -Before you borrow something (such as a pen), do you think it's always necessary to ask permission?

  -What are some other suitable questions to ask when you want to borrow something?

  -Which do you think is better, to borrow books from a library or to buy good-quality second-hand books.



  1、A Performance 【老题回库】

  2、An article you read in a magazine or on the Internet that could help people improve their health 【老题翻新】

  3、A New Skill【老题翻新】

  4、A Successful Small Company 【老题回库】

  5、A Job You Would Not Like To Do 【老题翻新】

  6、A Goal You Have Achieved 【老题翻新】

  7、A Desired Change In Your Local Area【老题回库】

  8、An Important Text Message【老题翻新】


  A Performance

  Describe a performance you enjoyed watching.

  You should say:

  what the performance was

  who performed on the stage

  when and where you watched the performance

  and explain why you enjoyed the performance.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -What are the differences between writing and speaking?

  -Do you like concerts or traditional shows?

  -Do you think traditional shows are important?

  -What do you think is the difference between watching a live show and watching it on TV?


  A New Skill

  Describe a new skill that you thought was important.

  You should say:

  what the skill is

  how you developed the skill

  whether the skill is difficult or easy

  and explain why you thought it was important.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -What skills are required to be successful in business?

  -What are the differences among the skills required in the past, present

  and future?


  1、A Film

  2、The Beautiful Sky You've looked at (At Night/In the Daytime)

  3、A Leisure Activity you did with your family.

  4、An Indoor Game


  A Film

  Describe a film you would like to share with your friends.

  You should say:

  what the film is

  how you know the film

  where you would like to watch the film

  and explain why you would like to share the film with your friends.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -What kinds of films are popular in China?

  -What kinds of films that young people/old people like to watch?

  -Do you think there're fewer people like to watch films?

  -Do you think cinemas will disappear in the future?

  -Is it fair that movie stars make lots of money?

  -Is it necessary to hire famous movie stars to make a film?

  -Why do you think movie stars' personal lives are exposed to the public?

  -Do you think people are interested in celebrities' gossip?

  -Do they have to behave in a good way in their lives?

  -How does movie production help a country?

  -Do you think people prefer watching films in a cinema or at home?

  -Do you think the film producer are rich?


  The Beautiful Sky You've looked at (At Night/In the Daytime)

  Describe the beautiful sky you've looked at (at night/in the daytime).

  You should say:

  when you watched the sky

  who you watched the sky with

  where you watched the sky

  and explain how you felt about the sky.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -Do you prefer stars or planets?

  -Do you think it's necessary for children to learn about stars or planets?

  -Why do you think scientists always do some research about stars or planets?

  -Why do you think some people enjoy going to the cinema to watch some films related to stars or planets?

  -How much influence do you think stars or planets have on people's lives?



  1、A Crowded Place You've Been to.【老题回库】

  2、An Ideal Place to Live.【老题回库】


  A Crowded Place You've Been to.

  Describe a crowded place you've been to.

  You should say:

  when you went there

  where the place is(was)

  who you went there with

  and explain how you felt about the place.

  Part 3 Questions:

  - Do you think people enjoy going to crowded places? Why?

  - How do you think people should deal with traffic congestion?

  - Where is the most crowded place in your city?

  - What the governments could do to solve this problem?

  - Are amusement facilities important in a city?

  - How do you think of the urban construction in America and Europe ?

  - Why do you think the traffic situation is more serious? Why do you think

  people still choose to live in the big city?


  An Ideal Place to Live.

  Describe a house or apartment you would like to live in.

  You should say:

  where it is/where it would be

  what you would like to do there

  who you would like to live there with

  and explain why you would like to live in the place.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -What types of houses/apartments do people in your country prefer to live in?

  -What are the advantages and disadvantages of old houses/buildings?

  -What factors influence people's choice whether live in an urban area or in the


  -What kind of environment do you think is most suitable for the elderly to live



  1、A school you attended.

  2、A Place To Read and Write

  3、A Place You Remember Well That Was Full of Colours.

  4、A New Public Building You Would Like To Visit.


  A school you attended.

  Describe a school that you attended during childhood.

  You should say:

  where it was

  what it looked like

  *whether you had a favourite/an impressive teacher

  what you learned at the school

  and explain how you felt about the school.

  *and explain what you remember most about the school.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -Nowadays, teachers have become more friendly, do you think it's a good thing?

  -Compared with the older generation, do you think nowadays the younger generation work/study harder? Why?

  -What kinds of jobs a teacher might do before coming to the school, do they need to be trained in a professional way?

  -Do you think nowadays young people like using computers? Why?

  -Which do you use more, the computer or the library, why?


  A Place To Read and Write

  Describe a place, not your home, which is good for reading and writing

  You should say:

  where the place is

  how often do you go there

  what you do in the place

  and explain why it is good for reading and writing.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -Which is more important, reading or writing?

  -Can you suggest why do people need good writing skills?

  -How can people get more information, from books or visuals?

  -What are the differences between reading books at home and in a library?

  -Apart from library, where do people enjoy going to when they want to read books?

  -Do you think people choose to go to forest or riverside to read and write?

  -When did most people start to learn to write and write?

  -How long do you think a child can be able to learn literary skills



  1、A time when weather prevented your activity. 【老题翻新】

  2、Something Excited You Did 【老题翻新】

  3、A Journey【老题翻新】

  4、A Challenge.【老题翻新】

  5、A Time You Couldn't Use Your Mobile Phone.【老题翻新】

  6、A Time When Someone Apologized To You.【老题回库】

  7、A Time When You Offered A Help To Others.【老题回库】


  A time when weather prevented your activity.

  Describe a time when an activity was canceled by bad weather.

  You should say:

  who you were with

  where and when it happened

  what stopped you

  and explain how you felt about it.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -Do Chinese enjoy talking about the weather, as a small chat, when they meet each other?

  -What types of weather do Chinese people like, cold or hot weather?

  -What kinds of people would care about weathers?

  -Is the weather forecast accurate?


  Something Excited You Did

  Describe something exciting that you did.

  You should say:

  when you did it

  where you were when you did it

  who you did it with

  and explain why this event was exciting for you.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -Do you think it's necessary to spend a lot of money on holding parties?

  -What are the benefits of building a community?


  A Journey

  [Version A]: Describe an important journey that was delayed.

  You should say:

  when was it

  why it was an important journey

  what made it delayed

  and explain how you felt about it.

  [Version B]: Describe a trip you took by public tranport.

  You should say:

  when it happend

  what means of transport you took

  what you did during the trip

  and explain how you felt about the trip.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -What kind of transport method would Chinese people choose during their trip?

  -How to improve the transportation system of a city?

  -What's the difference between the transportation in the past and now?

  -Do you think being fast is the best?

  -There've been many places in China that allow passengers to take public transport for free, do you think this relieves the traffic jams?

  -Can you suggest why some people travel by bus and not by air?

  -Why do you think more and more people prefer to travel by plane?

  -What kinds of obstacles do you think some local governments have to face when they develop transportation infrastructure?

  -Do you think traffic jams would be reduced if people could travel on public transport for free?


  A Challenge

  Describe a challenging thing you've done.

  You should say:

  what you did

  when you did it

  how you handled this challenge

  and explain why you thought it was challenging.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -What are some examples of things that are challenging for children?

  -Do you think parents should give their children challenging things to do?

  -What kinds of thing do you think are challenging for old people to do than for young people?


  1、An Occasion You Met Someone For The First Time

  2、A Happy Day

  3、A Special Day

  4、A Situation You Felt Tired But You Had to Stay Awake

  5、A Time When You Celebrated Your Achievement

  6、An Interesting Conversation

  7、A Time You Lost Something

  8、A Time When You Lied To A Friend

  9、A Piece of Advice

  10、A Time You Had A Boring Experience With Someone


  An Occasion You Met Someone For The First Time

  Describe an occasion you met someone for the first time.

  You should say:

  when you met the person

  who you met

  how you met the person

  and explain how you felt when you met the person for the first time.

  Part 3 Questions:

  Making friends

  -How do people make new friends nowadays? Has it changed?

  -In China, how do people always make friends

  -Is it more important to meet new friends or maintain relationship with old friends?

  -How do you judge whether people on social networking say the truth, how to make friends with them?

  -Which is more important to you, to maintain relationships with a new friend or an old friend?


  -In order to make employess feel quite easier to do something jobs, what can be done in a workplace?

  -How to make friends with the leader and workmates?


  A Happy Day

  [Version 1] Describe one of the happiest days in your life.

  You should say:

  when it happened

  where you spent the day

  how the day was arranged

  and explain why this was the happiest day.

  [Version 2] Describe a happy day you would like to spend.

  You should say:

  where it would be

  who you would be with

  what you would do

  and explain why this would be a happy day (for you).

  Part 3 Questions:

  -Do Chinese spend a lot of money on celebrating one's birthdays? Why?

  -Do Chinese spend a lot of money on the New Year's Day?

  -In China, what do Chinese do during Chinese New Year?

  -Do you think we should spend a lot of money for making friends?

  -Compared with 1990s, do people feel happier?

  -How do Chinese celebrate big days?


  A Special Day

  Describe a special/an unforgettable day in your life.

  (Or) Describe something special happened in a day.

  You should say:

  when it happened

  where something happened

  what you did during the day

  and explain why it was a special day in your life.

  Part 3 Questions:

  -What are the modern things to help people remember things?

  -How do the police recall events?

  -What would happen if the history were wrongly recorded?

  -What kinds of things happened during childhood that always stays in one's memory?

  -Do you think photos are the ones that can help people to improve memory?


















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