单科目(Single subjects)
- 3d 立体设计和工艺(3D Design and Craft)
- 会计与金融(Accounting and Finance)
- 航空工程(Aeronautical Engineering)
- 航空工程 (高级)(Aeronautical Engineering (Top-Up))
- 航空工程 (以综合基础年)(Aeronautical Engineering (with integrated Foundation Year))
- 应用的心理学(Applied Psychology)
- 应用的社会科学(Applied Social Science)
- 考古和地理(Archaeology and Geography)
- 建筑技术(Architectural Technology)
- 体系结构(Architecture)
- 建筑与城市规划(Architecture and Urban Planning)
- 艺术与设计 (高级)(Art and Design (Top-Up))
- 汽车工程 (工程学士)(Automotive Engineering (BEng))
- 汽车工程 (工程硕士)(Automotive Engineering (MEng))
- 汽车工程 (高级)(Automotive Engineering (Top-Up))
- 汽车工程 (含综合的基础年)(Automotive Engineering (with Integrated Foundation Year))
- 文学士 (荣誉) 新闻(BA (Hons) Journalism)
- 生物科学(Biological Sciences)
- 生物学(Biology)
- 生物医学科学(Biomedical Science)
- 广播的媒体(Broadcast Media)
- 广播的媒体 (高级)(Broadcast Media (Top-Up))
- 建筑测量(Building Surveying)
- 商务(Business)
- 商务(高级)(Business (Top-Up))
- 商业计算机系统(Business Computer Systems)
- 商业信息系统(Business Information Systems)
- 企业管理(Business Management)
- 商务管理与经济学(Business Management with Economics)
- 商务管理与金融(Business Management with Finance)
- 商务管理与人力资源管理(Business Management with Human Resource Management)
- 商务管理与市场营销(Business Management with Marketing)
- 商业与经济(Business with Economics)
- 商务与金融(Business with Finance)
- 商务与人力资源管理(Business with Human Resource Management)
- 市场营销(Business with Marketing)
- 化学(Chemistry)
- 土建工程 (工程学士)(Civil Engineering (BEng))
- 土建工程 (工程硕士)(Civil Engineering (MEng))
- 土木工程 (含综合的基础年)(Civil Engineering (with Integrated Foundation Year))
- 土木工程与施工管理(Civil Engineering with Construction Management)
- 民间与环境工程(Civil with Environmental Engineering)
- 计算机科学(Computer Science)
- 计算机科学 (游戏)(Computer Science (Games))
- 计算机系统和通信(Computer Systems and Communications)
- 带网络连接的计算机系统(Computer Systems with Networking)
- 计算和商业(Computing and Business)
- 计算和教育(Computing and Education)
- 施工管理(Construction Management)
- 当代工艺实践(Contemporary Crafts Practice)
- 当代的精细艺术实践(Contemporary Fine Art Practice)
- 犯罪学(Criminology)
- 犯罪学和社会学(Criminology and Sociology)
- 设计器制造商(Designer Maker)
- 数字电影(Digital Film)
- 数字游戏生产(Digital Games Production)
- 数字媒体(Digital Media)
- 数字媒体发展(Digital Media Development)
- 数字音乐和声音艺术(Digital Music and Sound Arts)
- 儿童早期教育和护理(Early Childhood Education and Care)
- 地球和海洋科学(Earth and Ocean Science)
- 生态学(Ecology)
- 经济学(Economics)
- 教育(Education)
- 教育和英语文学(Education and English Literature)
- 教育和社会学(Education and Sociology)
- 电气与电子工程(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- 电气和电子工程 (以综合基础年)(Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with integrated Foundation Year))
- 电子与计算机工程(Electronic and Computer Engineering)
- 电子与计算机工程 (含综合的基础年)(Electronic and Computer Engineering (with integrated foundation yr))
- 电子工程 (高级)(Electronic Engineering (Top-Up))
- 英语语言(English Language)
- 英语语言与创意写作(English Language and Creative Writing)
- 英语语言与英语文学(English Language and English Literature)
- 英语语言与语言学(English Language and Linguistics)
- 英语语言和媒体(English Language and Media)
- 英语文学(English Literature)
- 英语文学与创意写作(English Literature and Creative Writing)
- 英语文学与语言学(English Literature and Linguistics)
- 英语文学与媒体研究(English Literature and Media Studies)
- 英语文学与社会历史(English Literature and Social History)
- 环境与媒体研究(Environment and Media Studies)
- 环境生物学与教育(Environmental Biology and Education)
- 环境科学(Environmental Sciences)
- 欧洲计算的目标信息(European Computing/DEST Informatique)
- 时尚和服饰史(Fashion and Dress History)
- 时尚沟通与商务研究(Fashion Communication with Business Studies)
- 服装设计(Fashion Design)
- 时尚与商务研究(Fashion with Business Studies)
- 电影和屏幕研究(Film and Screen Studies)
- 金融和投资(Finance and Investment)
- 美术(Fine Art)
- 美术绘画(Fine Art Painting)
- 精细的艺术实践(Fine Art Practice)
- 精细的艺术版画(Fine Art Printmaking)
- 美好的艺术雕塑(Fine Art Sculpture)
- 地理(Geography)
- 地理与地理信息技术(Geography with Geoinformatics)
- 地质(Geology)
- 全球化(Globalisation)
- 图形通信(Graphic Communication)
- 平面设计(Graphic Design)
- 平面设计数字媒体(Graphic Design for Digital Media)
- 健康研究 (高级)(Health Studies (Top-Up))
- 艺术与设计史(History of Art and Design)
- 历史、 文学和文化(History, Literature and Culture)
- 人类生物学和教育(Human Biology and Education)
- 人文(Humanities)
- 插图(Illustration)
- 图为屏幕艺术的(Illustration for Screen Arts)
- 室内建筑(Interior Architecture)
- 国际商务 (4 年三明治)(International Business (4-year sandwich))
- 国际事件管理(International Event Management)
- 国际事件管理 (高级)(International Event Management (Top-Up))
- 国际酒店管理(International Hospitality Management)
- 国际酒店管理 (高级)(International Hospitality Management (Top-Up))
- 国际旅游管理(International Tourism Management)
- 国际旅游管理 (高级)(International Tourism Management (Top-Up))
- 国际旅游管理 (高级)(International Travel Management (Top-Up))
- 法律和商务(Law with Business)
- 法律与犯罪学(Law with Criminology)
- 语言学(Linguistics)
- 市场营销(Marketing)
- 市场营销管理(Marketing Management)
- 数学(Mathematics)
- 数学和商业(Mathematics and Business)
- 数学与计算(Mathematics and Computing)
- 数学与教育(Mathematics and Education)
- 数学教育与优质旅游服务 (中学) (2 年)(Mathematics Education with QTS (Secondary) (2 years))
- 数学与商务(Mathematics with Business)
- 数学与经济学(Mathematics with Economics)
- 数学与金融(Mathematics with Finance)
- 机械与制造工程 (高级)(Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (Top-Up))
- 机械工程(Mechanical Engineering)
- 机械工程 (以综合基础年)(Mechanical Engineering (with integrated Foundation Year))
- 传媒与英语文学(Media and English Literature)
- 媒体研究(Media Studies)
- 媒体研究和教育(Media Studies and Education)
- 媒体研究和社会学(Media Studies and Sociology)
- 媒体、 行业和创新(Media, Industry and Innovation)
- 助产(Midwifery)
- 移动图像(Moving Image)
- 多媒体广播的新闻(Multimedia Broadcast Journalism)
- 护理 (成人)(Nursing (Adult))
- 护理 (儿童)(Nursing (Child))
- 护理 (精神健康)(Nursing (Mental Health))
- 户外探险便利化 (高级)(Outdoor Adventure Facilitation (Top-Up))
- 护理实践(Paramedic Practice)
- 制药和化学科学(Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences)
- 药学 (4 年)(Pharmacy (4 years))
- 哲学、 政治和艺术(Philosophy, Politics and Art)
- 哲学,政治,道德(Philosophy, Politics, Ethics)
- 摄影(Photography)
- 体育教育(Physical Education)
- 体育教育与优质旅游服务 (中学) (4 年)(Physical Education with QTS (Secondary) (4 years))
- 自然地理和地质(Physical Geography and Geology)
- 理疗(Physiotherapy)
- 足疗(Podiatry)
- 政治(Politics)
- 小学教育 3-7 与优质旅游服务(Primary Education 3-7 with QTS)
- 小学教育 5-11 与优质旅游服务(Primary Education 5-11 with QTS)
- 教师资格教育小学教育研究(5—11年)(军队的教师)(Primary Education Studies with QTS (5 -11 Years) (Troops to Teachers))
- 小学英语教育与优质旅游服务 (7-11 岁)(Primary English Education with QTS (7-11 Years))
- 小学数学教育与优质旅游服务 (7-11 岁)(Primary Mathematics Education with QTS (7-11 Years))
- 产品设计技术与专业经验(Product Design Technology with Professional Experience)
- 产品设计与专业经验(Product Design with Professional Experience)
- 施工项目管理(Project Management for Construction)
- 公共卫生(Public Health)
- 零售管理(Retail Management)
- 零售管理 (高级)(Retail Management (Top-Up))
- 零售市场营销(Retail Marketing)
- 零售市场营销 (高级)(Retail Marketing (Top-Up))
- 中等艺术和艺术设计教育与优质旅游服务 (部队向教师)(Secondary Art and Design Education with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 辅助计算机科学教育与优质旅游服务 (部队向教师)(Secondary Computer Science Education with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 中等舞蹈教育与优质旅游服务 (部队向教师)(Secondary Dance Education with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 二次设计和技术教育与优质旅游服务 (部队向教师)(Secondary Design and Technology Education with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 教师资格教育中学英语教育(军队的教师)(Secondary English Education with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 中学地理教育与优质旅游服务 (部队向教师)(Secondary Geography Education with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 中学历史教育与优质旅游服务 (部队向教师)(Secondary History Education with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 中学数学教育与优质旅游服务 (部队向教师)(Secondary Mathematics Education with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 中学现代外语教育与优质旅游服务 (部队向教师)(Secondary Modern Foreign Languages Education with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 中学物理教育与优质旅游服务 (部队向教师)(Secondary Physical Education with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 二次宗教研究教育与优质旅游服务 (部队向教师)(Secondary Religious Studies Education with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 中学科学教育(生物)证书(军队的教师)(Secondary Science Education (Biology) with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 中学科学教育 (化学) 与优质旅游服务 (部队向教师)(Secondary Science Education (Chemistry) with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 中学科学教育 (物理) 与优质旅游服务 (部队向教师)(Secondary Science Education (Physics) with QTS (Troops to Teachers))
- 社会政策与实践(Social Policy and Practice)
- 社会科学(Social Science)
- 社会工作(Social Work)
- 社会工作 (研究生条目)(Social Work (Postgraduate Entry))
- 社会学(Sociology)
- 社会学与英语文学(Sociology and English Literature)
- 社会学和社会历史(Sociology and Social History)
- 软件工程(Software Engineering)
- 体育与运动科学(Sport and Exercise Science)
- 体育和健身(Sport and Fitness)
- 体育和健身 (高级)(Sport and Fitness (Top-Up))
- 体育商业管理(Sport Business Management)
- 体育教练(Sport Coaching)
- 运动训练管理和发展(Sport Coaching and Development)
- 体育教练和发展 (高级)(Sport Coaching and Development (Top-Up))
- 体育新闻(Sport Journalism)
- 体育研究(Sport Studies)
- 体育产品设计与专业经验(Sports Product Design with Professional Experience)
- 电视与数字媒体制作(Television and Digital Media Production)
- 影视制作(Television Production)
- 纺织品与商务研究(Textiles with Business Studies)
- 视觉文化(Visual Culture)