单科目(Single subjects)
- 会计与金融(Accounting and Finance)
- 动物管理(Animal Management)
- 应用行为科学和福利(Applied Behavioural Science and Welfare)
- 应用生物医学科学(Applied Biomedical Science)
- 应用的物理(Applied Physics)
- 水产养殖和渔业管理(Aquaculture and Fisheries Management)
- 水产养殖和渔业管理 (高级)(Aquaculture and Fisheries Management (Top-Up))
- 体系结构(Architecture)
- 生物科学(Biological Sciences)
- 生物医学科学(Biomedical Science)
- 生物医学科学(Biomedical Sciences)
- 商务(Business)
- 工商管理 (扩展)(Business Administration (Extended))
- 工商管理 (梅)(Business Administration (Medway))
- 工商管理与市场营销(Business Administration with Marketing)
- 工商管理。(Business Administration.)
- 商业计算(Business Computing)
- 商业经济学(Business Economics)
- 创业与创新(Business Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
- 商业信息系统(Business Information Systems)
- 商业信息技术(Business Information Technology)
- 企业物流和运输管理(Business Logistics and Transport Management)
- 企业管理(Business Management)
- 商业心理学(Business Psychology)
- 企业采购与供应链管理(Business Purchasing and Supply Chain Management)
- 商业研究 (3 年项)(Business Studies (Year 3 Entry))
- 商务与金融(Business with Finance)
- 商务与人力资源管理(Business with Human Resource Management)
- 商务与语言(Business with Language)
- 商业与法律(Business with Law)
- 市场营销(Business with Marketing)
- 化学(Chemistry)
- 童年和青年研究(Childhood and Youth Studies)
- 土建工程(Civil Engineering)
- 土木工程 (扩展)(Civil Engineering (Extended))
- 商业法(Commercial Law)
- 计算机工程(Computer Engineering)
- 计算机工程 (扩展)(Computer Engineering (Extended))
- 计算机工程技术(Computer Engineering Technology)
- 计算机网络工程(Computer Network Engineering)
- 计算机网络工程 (扩展)(Computer Network Engineering (Extended))
- 计算机网络工程技术(Computer Network Engineering Technology)
- 计算机网络工程。(Computer Network Engineering.)
- 计算机科学(Computer Science)
- 计算机安全和取证(Computer Security and Forensics)
- 计算机系统和网络(Computer Systems and Networking)
- 计算(Computing)
- 计算与数字媒体(Computing with Digital Media)
- 计算与游戏开发(Computing with Games Development)
- 控制和仪器仪表工程(Control and Instrumentation Engineering)
- 农村管理(Countryside Management)
- 数字媒体创意(Creative Digital Media)
- 创意写作(Creative Writing)
- 创意写作和英语文学(Creative Writing and English Literature)
- 犯罪学(Criminology)
- 犯罪学与犯罪心理学(Criminology and Criminal Psychology)
- 设计与施工管理(Design and Construction Management)
- 设计、 创新和创业(Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
- 设计、 创新和创业 (扩展)(Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Extended))
- 数字艺术实践(Digital Arts Practice)
- 数字电影制作(Digital Film Production)
- 数字媒体技术(Digital Media Technologies)
- 戏剧(Drama)
- 戏剧和英语文学(Drama and English Literature)
- 早期的岁月(Early Years)
- 早期的岁月 (高级)(Early Years (Top Up))
- 早期教育(Early Years Education)
- 经济学(Economics)
- 经济学与银行(Economics with Banking)
- 与语言经济学(Economics with Language)
- 教育研究(Education Studies)
- 电气与电子工程(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- 电气与电子工程 (扩展)(Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Extended))
- 电气与电子工程技术(Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology)
- 电气工程(Electrical Engineering)
- 电子工程(Electronic Engineering)
- 电子工程 (扩展)(Electronic Engineering (Extended))
- 工程商业管理(Engineering Business Management)
- 工程商业管理 (扩展)(Engineering Business Management (Extended))
- 工程智能系统(Engineering for Intelligent Systems)
- 工程智能系统 (扩展)(Engineering for Intelligent Systems (Extended))
- 工程项目管理(Engineering Project Management)
- 工程项目管理 (扩展)(Engineering Project Management (Extended))
- 工程技术(Engineering Technology)
- 英语语言与英语语言教学(English Language and English Language Teaching)
- 英语语言与文学(English Language and Literature)
- 英语文学(English Literature)
- 英语文学与创意写作(English Literature with Creative Writing)
- 环境科学(Environmental Sciences)
- 马运动治疗和康复(Equine Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation)
- 马的培训和管理(Equine Training and Management)
- 事件管理(Events Management)
- 电影及电视制作(Film & TV Production)
- 电影研究(Film Studies)
- 金融与投资银行业务(Finance and Investment Banking)
- 金融数学(Financial Mathematics)
- 法医科学(Forensic Science)
- 法医科学与犯罪学(Forensic Science with Criminology)
- 游戏设计与开发(Games Design and Development)
- 花园设计(Garden Design)
- 地理(Geography)
- 图形和数字设计(Graphic and Digital Design)
- 健康与幸福(Health & Wellbeing)
- 健康和社会保健 (高级)(Health and Social care (Top-Up))
- 历史(History)
- 历史和英语。(History and English)
- 历史和政治(History and Politics)
- 历史与社会学(History and Sociology)
- 园艺-商业(Horticulture - Commercial)
- 酒店管理(Hospitality Management)
- 人类营养(Human Nutrition)
- 人力资源管理(Human Resource Management)
- 工业工程(Industrial Engineering)
- 工业工程 (扩展)(Industrial Engineering (Extended))
- 信息和通信技术(Information and Communication Technology)
- 商业信息技术管理(ITMB)(Information Technology Management for Business (ITMB))
- 综合的生物学硕士(Integrated Masters in Biology)
- 国际农业(International Agriculture)
- 国际商务(International Business)
- 国际商务与语言(International Business with Language)
- 景观和农村管理 (高级)(Landscape and Countryside Management (Top-up))
- 景观设计(Landscape Architecture)
- 景观管理 (土地使用)(Landscape Management (Land Use))
- 语言与素质教育(Language and Literacy Education)
- 语言和国际关系(Languages and International Relations)
- 法律(Law)
- 法律高级地位(Law Senior Status)
- 市场营销(Marketing)
- 市场营销与语言(Marketing with Language)
- 数学(Mathematics)
- 数学与计算(Mathematics and Computing)
- 数学教育(Mathematics Education)
- 数学与商业(Mathematics with Business)
- 数学与经济学(Mathematics with Economics)
- 机械工程(Mechanical Engineering)
- 机械工程 (扩展)(Mechanical Engineering (Extended))
- 机械工程技术(Mechanical Engineering Technology)
- 媒体和通信(Media and Communications)
- 助产(Midwifery)
- 自然科学 (扩展)(Natural Sciences (Extended))
- 护理 (成人护理)(Nursing (Adult Nursing))
- 护理 (成人护理) (B730)(Nursing (Adult Nursing) (B730) )
- 护理 (幼儿护理)(Nursing (Children's Nursing))
- 护理 (学习障碍护理)(Nursing (Learning Disabilities Nursing))
- 护理 (心理健康护理)(Nursing (Mental Health Nursing))
- 护理人员科学 (B781)(Paramedic Science (B781) )
- 医药科学(Pharmaceutical Science)
- 医药科学(Pharmaceutical Sciences)
- 摄影(Photography)
- 摄影 (阶段 3 高级)(Photography (Stage 3 Top up))
- 体育教育和体育(Physical Education and Sport)
- 政治与国际关系(Politics and International Relations)
- 初等教育(Primary Education)
- 小学教育 (2 年加速程度)(Primary Education (2 Year Accelerated Degree))
- 专业的舞蹈和音乐剧表演(Professional Dance and Musical Theatre)
- 项目管理(Project Management)
- 房地产开发和管理(Property Development and Management)
- 心理学(Psychology)
- 心理辅导(Psychology with Counselling)
- 公共卫生(Public Health)
- 公共关系和通讯(Public Relations and Communications)
- 工料测量(Quantity Surveying)
- 科学 (扩展)(Science (Extended))
- 社会工作(Social Work)
- 社会学(Sociology)
- 社会学和心理学(Sociology and Psychology)
- 软件工程(Software Engineering)
- 音效设计(Sound Design)
- 体育科学(Sports Science)
- 体育科学与辅导(Sports Science with Coaching)
- 体育科学与职业足球教练(Sports Science with Professional Football Coaching)
- 统计和运筹学(Statistics and Operational Research)
- 旅游管理(Tourism Management)
- 旅游管理专业具有语言(Tourism Management with Language)
- Web 技术(Web Technologies)