单科目(Single subjects)
- 3D 设计(3D Design)
- 会计(Accounting)
- 会计与金融 (高级)(Accounting and Finance (Top-up))
- 美国研究(American Studies)
- 应用的生物学(Applied Biology)
- 应用的化学(Applied Chemistry)
- 应用计算 (G510)(Applied Computing (G510) )
- 应用的运动与运动科学(Applied Sport and Exercise Science)
- 建筑工程(Architectural Engineering)
- 建筑技术(Architectural Technology)
- 体系结构(Architecture)
- 艺术与设计史(Art and Design History)
- 汽车工程(Automotive Engineering)
- 与法医生物学生物学(Biology with Forensic Biology)
- 生物医学科学(Biomedical Science)
- 生物技术(Biotechnology)
- 建筑测量(Building Surveying)
- 建筑的环境与基础年(Built Environment with Foundation Year)
- 商业(高级) (N1N8)(Business (Top up) (N1N8) )
- 商务与市场营销 (高级)(Business and Marketing (Top-up))
- 企业信息管理(Business Information Management)
- 商业领导力和企业管理(Business Leadership and Corporate Management)
- 企业管理(Business Management)
- 商务会计(Business with Accounting)
- 商业与经济(Business with Economics)
- 企业的创业精神(Business with Entrepreneurship)
- 商务与金融管理(Business with Financial Management)
- 商务与人力资源管理(Business with Human Resource Management)
- 商务与国际管理(Business with International Management)
- 商业和物流与供应链管理(Business with Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
- 商务与管理(Business with Management)
- 商业与营销管理(Business with Marketing Management)
- 商务与旅游管理(Business with Tourism Management)
- 童年和早期研究(Childhood and Early Years Studies)
- 土建工程(Civil Engineering)
- 计算机和数字取证(Computer and Digital Forensics)
- 计算机和信息技术 (含基础年)(Computer and Information Technology (with Foundation Year))
- 计算机网络和网络安全(Computer Networks and Cyber Security)
- 计算机科学(Computer Science)
- 计算机科学与动画、 图形和视觉(Computer Science with Animation, Graphics and Vision)
- 计算机科学与人工智能(Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence)
- 计算机科学与游戏开发(Computer Science with Games Development)
- 计算机科学与 Web 开发(Computer Science with Web Development)
- 施工项目管理(Construction Project Management)
- 犯罪学(Criminology)
- 犯罪学和法医学(Criminology and Forensic Science)
- 犯罪学和社会学(Criminology and Sociology)
- 工业设计(Design for Industry)
- 戏剧和应用的剧院(Drama and Applied Theatre)
- 戏剧和编写剧本(Drama and Scriptwriting)
- 早期和初等教育(Early and Primary Education)
- 电气与电子工程(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- 电子设计工程(Electronic Design Engineering)
- 工程与基础年(Engineering with Foundation Year)
- 英语语言与文学(English Language and Literature)
- 英语语言研究(English Language Studies)
- 英语文学(English Literature)
- 英语文学与创意写作(English Literature and Creative Writing)
- 英语文学与历史(English Literature and History)
- 创业企业管理(Entrepreneurial Business Management)
- 环境科学(Environmental Science)
- 时尚(Fashion)
- 时尚通信(Fashion Communication)
- 时装设计与营销(Fashion Design and Marketing)
- 电影和电视研究(Film and Television Studies)
- 电影和电视制作(Film and TV Production)
- 财务与投资管理(Finance and Investment Management)
- 美术(Fine Art)
- 食品科学与营养(Food Science and Nutrition)
- 法医科学(Forensic Science)
- 地理(Geography)
- 地理 (人文地理)(Geography (Human Geography))
- 地理 (自然地理)(Geography (Physical Geography))
- 地理和环境管理(Geography and Environmental Management)
- 全球贫困和发展(Global Poverty and Development)
- 平面设计(Graphic Design)
- 历史(History)
- 历史和政治(History and Politics)
- 人类生物科学(Human Biosciences)
- 人类营养(Human Nutrition)
- 人力资源管理(Human Resource Management)
- 信息技术和业务系统(Information Technology and Business Systems)
- 互动媒体设计(Interactive Media Design)
- 室内建筑(Interior Architecture)
- 室内设计(Interior Design)
- 国际银行与金融 (高级)(International Banking and Finance (Top up))
- 国际商务管理(International Business Management)
- 新闻(Journalism)
- 法律(Law)
- 物流和供应链管理 (高级)(Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Top-up))
- 市场营销管理(Marketing Management)
- 大众传播(Mass Communication)
- 数学(Mathematics)
- 机械设计工程(Mechanical Design Engineering)
- 机械工程(Mechanical Engineering)
- 注册助产士助产学研究(Midwifery Studies, Registered Midwife)
- 移动通信工程(Mobile Communications Engineering)
- 护理研究,注册护士 (成人)(Nursing Studies, Registered Nurse (Adult))
- 护理研究,注册护士 (儿童)(Nursing Studies, Registered Nurse (Child))
- 护理研究,注册护士 (学习障碍)(Nursing Studies, Registered Nurse (Learning Disability))
- 护理研究,注册护士 (精神健康)(Nursing Studies, Registered Nurse (Mental Health))
- 职业疗法(Occupational Therapy)
- 经营部实践(Operating Department Practice)
- 表演(Performance)
- 药物化学(Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
- 自然地理(Physical Geography)
- 物理(Physics)
- 理疗(Physiotherapy)
- 心理学(Psychology)
- 工料测量(Quantity Surveying)
- 房地产(Real Estate)
- 社会工作(Social Work)
- 社会学(Sociology)
- 旅游和事件管理(Tourism and Events Management)