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西伦敦大学 教育部承认学历
University of West London

英国西伦敦大学成立于1860年,是一所历史悠久的现代化大学,从事职业技术教育已经有130多年的历史,1992年升为大学。1990到1991年间,大学与伊林高等教育学院、泰晤士河谷学院、夏洛特皇后保健医疗学院以及伦敦音乐学院建立了合作关系,提供多样化的课程,主要是为学生就业提供教育培训。2004年与 Reading艺术和设计学院合并,2011年5月12日泰晤士河谷大学正式更名为西伦敦大学。成为英国最大的大学之一。

录取率: 17% 考试成绩: IELTS 总分要求6。

单科目(Single subjects)
- 会计与金融(Accounting and Finance)
- 表演(Acting)
- 广告(Advertising)
- 航空公司和机场管理(Airline and Airport Management)
- 音响工程的应用(Applied Sound Engineering)
- 应用音响工程 (与基金会)(Applied Sound Engineering (with Foundation))
- 建筑设计与技术(Architectural Design and Technology)
- 建筑设计与技术基础(Architectural Design and Technology with Foundation)
- 文学士 (荣誉) 事件管理的待客之道(BA (Hons) Event Management with Hospitality)
- 文学士 (荣誉) 电台和多媒体音频制作(BA (Hons) Radio and Multimedia Audio Production)
- 广播的新闻(Broadcast Journalism)
- 广播的新闻与基础(Broadcast Journalism with Foundation)
- 建筑测量(Building Surveying)
- 建筑测量基础(Building Surveying with Foundation)
- 商业研究(Business Studies)
- 商业研究 (高级)(Business Studies (top-up))
- 商业研究 (含基础年)(Business Studies (with Foundation Year))
- 商业研究与创业(Business Studies with Entrepreneurship)
- 商业研究与企业家精神与基础年(Business Studies with Entrepreneurship with Foundation Year)
- 金融商业研究(Business Studies with Finance)
- 与基础年金融商业研究(Business Studies with Finance with Foundation Year)
- 商务与人力资源管理研究(Business Studies with Human Resource Management)
- 商业研究人力资源管理基础年(Business Studies with Human Resource Management with Foundation Year)
- 商业研究与实习(Business Studies with Internship)
- 商业研究与市场营销(Business Studies with Marketing)
- 商业研究与市场营销与基础年(Business Studies with Marketing with Foundation Year)
- 摄影 (梅特电影学院)(Cinematography (Met Film School))
- 土木与环境工程(Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- 土木与环境工程 (预科)(Civil and Environmental Engineering (with Foundation Year))
- 商业摄影(Commercial Photography)
- 计算机科学(Computer Science)
- 计算机科学 (基金会)(Computer Science (with Foundation))
- 施工项目管理(Construction Project Management)
- 项目管理与基础建设(Construction Project Management with Foundation)
- 创造性的计算(Creative Computing)
- 创意计算 (预科)(Creative Computing (with Foundation Year))
- 刑事司法(Criminal Justice)
- 犯罪学(Criminology)
- 犯罪学与基础(Criminology with Foundation)
- 犯罪学与法律(Criminology with Law)
- 犯罪学与法律基础(Criminology with Law with Foundation)
- 犯罪学与心理学(Criminology with Psychology)
- 犯罪学与心理学基础(Criminology with Psychology with Foundation)
- 犯罪学,警务 & 取证与基础(Criminology, Policing & Forensics with Foundation)
- 犯罪学,警察和法医(Criminology, Policing and Forensics)
- 烹饪艺术管理(Culinary Arts Management)
- 烹饪艺术管理与安置(Culinary Arts Management with Placement)
- 电气与电子工程(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
- 电气与电子工程顶起来(Electrical & Electronic Engineering Top Up)
- 电气与电子工程与基础(Electrical & Electronic Engineering with Foundation)
- 事件管理(Event Management)
- 事件管理特别(Event Management Special)
- 事件管理的待客之道(Event Management with Hospitality)
- 旅游事件管理(Event Management with Tourism)
- 时装和纺织品(Fashion and Textiles)
- 时尚与纺织与基础(Fashion and Textiles with Foundation)
- 电影音乐创作(Film Music Composition)
- 电影制作(Film Production)
- 食品 & 专业烹饪(Food & Professional Cookery)
- 食物和专业烹饪(Food and Professional Cookery)
- 法医科学(Forensic Science)
- 法医科学与基础年(Forensic Science with Foundation Year)
- 平面设计 (视觉传达与插图)(Graphic Design (Visual Communication & Illustration))
- 健康促进与公共卫生(Health Promotion & Public Health)
- 酒店管理(Hospitality Management)
- 酒店管理 (高级)(Hospitality Management (Top-Up))
- 酒店管理与食品研究(Hospitality Management and Food Studies)
- 酒店运营管理(Hospitality Operations Management)
- 商业信息技术管理(ITMB)(Information Technology Management for Business (ITMB))
- 信息技术管理与基础业务 (ITMB)(Information Technology Management for Business (ITMB) with Foundation)
- 信息技术管理与工业安置业务 (ITMB)(Information Technology Management for Business (ITMB) with Industrial Placement)
- 国际商务管理(International Business Management)
- 国际商务管理与基础(International Business Management with Foundation)
- 国际酒店管理(International Hotel Management)
- 法律(Law)
- 法学专业 (预科)(Law (with foundation year))
- 活的发声(Live Sound Production)
- 媒体和通信(Media and Communications)
- 助产 (B720)(Midwifery (B720) )
- 助产 (注册护士)(Midwifery (for registered nurses))
- 移动计算(Mobile Computing)
- 移动计算 (含基础年)(Mobile Computing (with Foundation Year))
- 音乐创作(Music Composition)
- 音乐创作与音乐管理(Music Composition with Music Management)
- 音乐技术与音乐创作(Music Composition with Music Technology)
- 音乐管理(Music Management)
- 音乐表演(Music Performance)
- 音乐表演和录音(Music Performance and Recording)
- 音乐表演与音乐管理(Music Performance with Music Management)
- 音乐表演与音乐技术(Music Performance with Music Technology)
- 音乐技术(Music Technology)
- 音乐技术 (音频后期制作)(Music Technology (Audio Post Production))
- 音乐技术 (电子音乐制作)(Music Technology (Electronic Music Production))
- 音乐技术 (混合与掌握)(Music Technology (Mixing & Mastering))
- 音乐技术 (录音 & 生产)(Music Technology (Recording & Production))
- 音乐技术 (高级)(Music Technology (Top-Up))
- 音乐技术与流行音乐表演(Music Technology and Pop Music Performance)
- 音乐技术与无线电广播(Music Technology and Radio Broadcasting)
- 音乐技术与视频制作(Music Technology and Video Production)
- 音乐技术专家(Music Technology Specialist)
- 音乐技术与音乐创作(Music Technology with Music Composition)
- 音乐技术与音乐表演(Music Technology with Music Performance)
- 音乐剧(Musical Theatre)
- 音乐剧与基础(Musical Theatre with Foundation)
- 护理 (成人)(Nursing (Adult))
- 护理 (儿童护理) (B730)(Nursing (Children's Nursing) (B730) )
- 护理 (学习障碍)(Nursing (Learning Disabilities))
- 护理 (精神健康) (B760)(Nursing (Mental Health) (B760) )
- 护理 (精神健康) (BR60)(Nursing (Mental Health) (BR60) )
- 护理和保健 (高级)(Nursing and Healthcare (top-up))
- 经营部实践(Operating Department Practice)
- 摄影(Photography)
- 维持治安(Policing)
- 实际的电影 (梅特电影学院)(Practical Filmmaking (Met Film School))
- 心理学(Psychology)
- 心理学与应用法医调查(Psychology with Applied Forensic Investigation)
- 心理辅导理论(Psychology with Counselling Theory)
- 心理学与犯罪学(Psychology with Criminology)
- 心理学与基础年(Psychology with Foundation Year)
- 心理学与药物使用和滥用的研究(Psychology with Substance Use and Misuse Studies)
- 公共关系(Public Relations)
- 社会工作(Social Work)
- 写歌(Song Writing)
- 剧院生产 (设计与管理)(Theatre Production (Design & Management))
- 旅行和旅游(Travel and Tourism)
- 旅游管理(Travel and Tourism Management)
- 视觉效果(Visual Effects)
西伦敦大学位于伦敦西部,拥有良好的交通设施。各个校区之间用快铁链接,并且临近希思罗机场。在西伦敦大学的校区间有免费三班循环校车,在固定时间接送学生,保证学生的学业安排。 学校现况目前西伦敦大学有在校学生27000余人,其中全日制学生高达11000余人。在校生中有大量来自欧洲和世界各地的留学生。并且西伦敦大学在和世界各地高校广泛家里联系,以吸引更多的国际留学生来西伦敦大学留学学习。


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