单科目(Single subjects)
- 会计与金融(Accounting and Finance)
- 表演(Acting)
- 广告(Advertising)
- 广告 (含基础年)(Advertising (with Foundation Year))
- 人类学(Anthropology)
- 人类学 (含基础年)(Anthropology (with Foundation Year))
- 应用社区体育 (西汉姆联队基础)(Applied Community Sport (West Ham United Foundation))
- 建筑设计技术(Architectural Design Technology)
- 建筑设计技术 (含基础年)(Architectural Design Technology (with Foundation Year))
- 建筑 (ARB/RIBA 第 1 部分)(Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 1))
- 体系结构 (含基础年)(Architecture (with Foundation Year))
- 生物医学科学(Biomedical Sciences)
- 生物技术和生物化学(Biotechnology and Biochemistry)
- 企业管理(Business Management)
- 商务管理 (人力资源管理)(Business Management (Human Resource Management))
- 商业管理 (营销)(Business Management (Marketing))
- 儿童心理学(Child Psychology)
- 土建工程(Civil Engineering)
- 土木工程 (荣誉)(Civil Engineering (Honours))
- 土木工程 (含基础年)(Civil Engineering (with Foundation Year))
- 临床和社区心理学(Clinical and Community Psychology)
- 电脑游戏开发(Computer Game Development)
- 电脑游戏开发 (含基础年)(Computer Game Development (with Foundation Year))
- 计算机游戏设计(Computer Games Design)
- 计算机科学(Computer Science)
- 计算机科学 (含基础年)(Computer Science (with Foundation Year))
- 计算业务(Computing for Business)
- 计算为企业 (含预科)(Computing for Business (with Foundation Year))
- 施工管理(Construction Management)
- 施工管理 (含基础年)(Construction Management (with Foundation Year))
- 辅导(Counselling)
- 创意和专业的写作(Creative and Professional Writing)
- 创意和专业写作 (含基础年)(Creative and Professional Writing (with Foundation Year))
- 犯罪学和刑事司法(Criminology and Criminal Justice)
- 犯罪学和刑事司法 (含基础年)(Criminology and Criminal Justice (with Foundation Year))
- 舞蹈(Dance)
- 数字媒体设计(Digital Media Design)
- 数字媒体设计 (含基础年)(Digital Media Design (with Foundation Year))
- 戏剧,应用的剧院及表演(Drama, Applied Theatre & Performance)
- 儿童早期教育和护理(Early Childhood Education and Care)
- 儿童早期研究(Early Childhood Studies)
- 儿童早期研究 (含基础年)(Early Childhood Studies (with Foundation Year))
- 经济学(Economics)
- 教育研究(Education Studies)
- 英语文学(English Literature)
- 服装设计(Fashion Design)
- 时装设计 (含基础年)(Fashion Design (with Foundation Year))
- 时装营销(Fashion Marketing)
- 服装营销 (含基础年)(Fashion Marketing (with Foundation Year))
- 时尚纺织品(Fashion Textiles)
- 时尚纺织品 (含基础年)(Fashion Textiles (with Foundation Year))
- 电影(Film)
- 电影 (含基础年)(Film (with Foundation Year))
- 财务(Finance)
- 美术(Fine Art)
- 美术 (含基础年)(Fine Art (with Foundation Year))
- 法医心理学(Forensic Psychology)
- 平面设计(Graphic Design)
- 平面设计 (含基础年)(Graphic Design (with Foundation Year))
- 促进健康(Health Promotion)
- 健康促进 (含基础年)(Health Promotion (with Foundation Year))
- 历史(History)
- 历史 (含基础年)(History (with Foundation Year))
- 酒店管理(Hospitality Management)
- 人类生物学(Human Biology)
- 人类生物学 (含基础年)(Human Biology (with Foundation Year))
- 插图(Illustration)
- (含基础年) 图(Illustration (with Foundation Year))
- 室内设计(Interior Design)
- 室内设计 (含基础年)(Interior Design (with Foundation Year))
- 国际发展(International Development)
- 国际发展 (预科)(International Development (with Foundation Year))
- 国际发展与非政府组织管理 (含基础年)(International Development with NGO Management (with Foundation Year))
- 国际关系(International Relations)
- 国际关系 (预科)(International Relations (with Foundation Year))
- 新闻(Journalism)
- 新闻 (含基础年)(Journalism (with Foundation Year))
- 法律(Law)
- 法律与国际关系(Law with International Relations)
- 数学教育与合格的教师地位 (优质)(Mathematics with Education and Qualified Teacher Status (QTS))
- 机械工程(Mechanical Engineering)
- 机械工程 (含基础年)(Mechanical Engineering (with Foundation Year))
- 媒体和通信(Media and Communication)
- 媒体和通信 (含基础年)(Media and Communication (with Foundation Year))
- 医学生理学(Medical Physiology)
- 医学生理学 (含基础年)(Medical Physiology (with Foundation Year))
- 音乐表演和生产(Music Performance and Production)
- 音乐技术(Music Technology)
- 医药科学(Pharmaceutical Science)
- 医药科学 (含基础年)(Pharmaceutical Science (with Foundation Year))
- 药理学(Pharmacology)
- 药理学 (含基础年)(Pharmacology (with Foundation Year))
- 摄影(Photography)
- 摄影 (含基础年)(Photography (with Foundation Year))
- 足疗(Podiatry)
- 产品设计(Product Design)
- 产品设计 (含基础年)(Product Design (with Foundation Year))
- 专业的舞蹈和音乐剧表演(Professional Dance and Musical Theatre)
- 心理学(Psychology)
- 心理学 (含基础年)(Psychology (with Foundation Year))
- 心理学与社会学(Psychology with Sociology)
- 社会心理研究(Psychosocial Studies)
- (含基础年) 的社会心理研究(Psychosocial Studies (with Foundation Year))
- 社会心理研究与专业实践(Psychosocial Studies with Professional Practice)
- 社会心理研究与专业实践 (含基础年)(Psychosocial Studies with Professional Practice (with Foundation Year))
- 公共卫生(Public Health)
- 公共卫生 (含基础年)(Public Health (with Foundation Year))
- 公共卫生和健康促进(Public Health and Health Promotion)
- 公共卫生和医疗服务管理(Public Health and Health Services Management)
- 社会工作(Social Work)
- 社会学(Sociology)
- 社会学 (专业发展)(Sociology (Professional Development))
- 社会学 (含基础年)(Sociology (with Foundation Year))
- 社会学与犯罪学(Sociology with Criminology)
- 社会学与专业发展 (预科)(Sociology with Professional Development (with Foundation Year))
- 特殊教育(Special Education)
- 体育与运动科学(Sport and Exercise Science)
- 体育与运动科学 (含基础年)(Sport and Exercise Science (with Foundation Year))
- 体育、 体育教育与发展(Sport, Physical Education and Development)
- 体育、 体育教育和发展 (预科)(Sport, Physical Education and Development (with Foundation Year))
- 体育教练(Sports Coaching)
- 体育教练 (含基础年)(Sports Coaching (with Foundation Year))
- 体育新闻(Sports Journalism)
- 体育新闻 (含基础年)(Sports Journalism (with Foundation Year))
- 体育疗法(Sports Therapy)
- 测绘科学(Surveying and Mapping Sciences)
- 测绘科学 (含基础年)(Surveying and Mapping Sciences (with Foundation Year))
- 旅游管理(Tourism Management)