单科目(Single subjects)
- 会计与金融(Accounting and Finance)
- 一年在行业的精算科学(Actuarial Science with a Year in Industry)
- 精算科学(Actuarial Sciences)
- 美国历史(American History)
- 美国研究(American Studies)
- 美国研究 (含基础年)(American Studies (with a Foundation Year))
- 海外学习一年的美国研究(American Studies with a Year Abroad)
- 应用计算科学与基础年(Applied Computing Science with a Foundation Year)
- 生物化学(Biochemistry)
- 一年海外学习生物化学(Biochemistry with a Year Abroad)
- 生物化学行业一年(Biochemistry with a Year in Industry)
- 生物科学(Biological Sciences)
- 与一年基础生物科学(Biological Sciences with a Foundation Year)
- 一年海外学习生物科学(Biological Sciences with a Year Abroad)
- 一年在工业生物科学(Biological Sciences with a Year in Industry)
- 生物医学(Biomedicine)
- 一年在企业平衡计分卡业务信息系统(BSc Business Information Systems with a Year in Industry)
- 商业经济学(Business Economics)
- 企业管理(Business Management)
- 商业统计(Business Statistics)
- 一年在工业化学物理(Chemical Physics with a Year in Industry)
- 化学物理学一年在北美地区(Chemical Physics with a Year in North America)
- 化学(Chemistry)
- 化学 (4 年)(Chemistry (4 years))
- 化学与基础年(Chemistry with a Foundation Year)
- 化学与一年在企业 (4 年)(Chemistry with a year in Industry (4 years))
- 化学一年在北美 (4 年)(Chemistry with a year in North America (4 years))
- 认知心理学(Cognitive Psychology)
- 一年海外学习认知心理学(Cognitive Psychology with a Year Abroad)
- 计算机图形学、 影像学和多媒体(Computer Graphics, Imaging and Multimedia)
- 计算机图形学、 影像学和多媒体一年在行业(Computer Graphics, Imaging and Multimedia with a Year in Industry)
- 计算机科学(Computing Science)
- 计算科学 (与海外学习一年)(Computing Science (with a Year Abroad))
- 计算一年海外学习科学(Computing Science with a Year Abroad)
- 计算科学与行业一年(Computing Science with a Year in Industry)
- 戏剧(Drama)
- 生态学(Ecology)
- 一年海外学习生态学(Ecology with a Year Abroad)
- 经济学(Economics)
- 一年海外学习经济学(Economics with a Year Abroad)
- 教育(Education)
- 一年海外学习教育(Education with a Year Abroad)
- 能源工程(Energy Engineering)
- 能源工程与环境管理(Energy Engineering with Environmental Management)
- 工程(Engineering)
- 一年在工业工程(Engineering with a Year in Industry)
- 英语文学(English Literature)
- 英语文学 (含基础年)(English Literature (with a Foundation Year))
- 英语文学与戏剧(English Literature and Drama)
- 英语文学和哲学(English Literature and Philosophy)
- 英语文学与创意写作(English Literature with Creative Writing)
- 环境地球科学(Environmental Earth Sciences)
- 环境地球科学海外学习一年(Environmental Earth Sciences with a Year Abroad)
- 一年在行业环境地球科学(Environmental Earth Sciences with a year in Industry)
- 地理环境和气候变化(Environmental Geography and Climate Change)
- 地理环境和气候变化行业一年(Environmental Geography and Climate Change with a Year in Industry)
- 地理环境与国际发展(Environmental Geography and International Development)
- 环境地球物理学(Environmental Geophysics)
- 一年海外学习环境地球物理学(Environmental Geophysics with a Year Abroad)
- 一年在行业环境地球物理学(Environmental Geophysics with a year in Industry)
- 环境科学与基础年(Environmental Science with a Foundation Year)
- 环境科学(Environmental Sciences)
- 一年海外学习环境科学(Environmental Sciences with a Year Abroad)
- 一年在行业环境科学(Environmental Sciences with a year in Industry)
- 电影和英语研究(Film and English Studies)
- 电影和历史(Film and History)
- 电影和电视研究(Film and Television Studies)
- 电影和电视研究 (含基础年)(Film and Television Studies (with a Foundation Year))
- 法医和调查化学(Forensic and Investigative Chemistry)
- 地理(Geography)
- 地理与国际发展(Geography and International Development)
- 地理和国际发展与海外经验(Geography and International Development with Overseas Experience)
- 历史(History)
- 历史 (含基础年)(History (with a Foundation Year))
- 历史和艺术史(History and History of Art)
- 历史和政治(History and Politics)
- 艺术史(History of Art)
- (含基础年) 艺术史(History of Art (with a Foundation Year))
- 艺术和文学的历史(History of Art and Literature)
- 艺术的历史,每年在澳大利西亚或北美地区(History of Art with a year in Australasia or North America)
- 历史上的艺术画廊与博物馆研究(History of Art with Gallery & Museum Studies)
- 跨文化交际与商务管理 (与国防军年)(Inter-Cultural Communication with Business Management (with a Fdn Year))
- 跨文化交际与商务管理(Intercultural Communication with Business Management)
- 国际发展(International Development)
- 国际发展和环境(International Development and the Environment)
- 国际发展和环境具有海外经验(International Development and the Environment with Overseas Experience)
- 国际发展与人类学(International Development with Anthropology)
- 国际发展与人类学与海外经验(International Development with Anthropology with Overseas Experience)
- 国际发展与经济学(International Development with Economics)
- 国际发展经济学与海外经验(International Development with Economics with Overseas Experience)
- 国际发展与海外经验(International Development with Overseas Experience)
- 国际发展与政治(International Development with Politics)
- 国际发展与政治与海外经验(International Development with Politics with Overseas Experience)
- 国际关系(International Relations)
- 国际关系与现代历史(International Relations and Modern History)
- 国际关系与现代语言(International Relations and Modern Languages)
- 国际关系与政治(International Relations and Politics)
- 法律(Law)
- 美国法律(Law with American Law)
- 法律与欧洲法律体制 (4 年)(Law with European Legal Systems (4 years))
- 文学与历史(Literature and History)
- 市场营销与管理(Marketing and Management)
- 市场营销和管理海外学习一年(Marketing and Management with a Year Abroad)
- 数学(Mathematics)
- 数学 (4 年)(Mathematics (4 years))
- 数学基础年(Mathematics with a Foundation Year)
- 数学一年在行业(Mathematics with a Year in Industry)
- 数学与商业(Mathematics with Business)
- 媒体与国际发展(Media and International Development)
- 媒体和海外经验与国际发展(Media and International Development with Overseas Experience)
- 媒体研究(Media Studies)
- 医学(Medicine)
- 与一年基础医学(Medicine with a Foundation Year)
- 气象学和海洋学(Meteorology and Oceanography)
- 气象学和海洋学海外学习一年(Meteorology and Oceanography with a Year Abroad)
- 气象学和海洋学与行业一年(Meteorology and Oceanography with a year in Industry)
- 助产(Midwifery)
- MMath 的一年海外学习数学大师(MMath Master of Mathematics with a Year Abroad)
- 现代历史(Modern History)
- 现代语言(Modern Language)
- 现代语言 (法语或西班牙语)-3 年选项(Modern Language (French or Spanish) - 3 year option)
- 现代语言与管理研究(Modern Language with Management Studies)
- 现代语言 (双荣誉)(Modern Languages (Double Honours))
- 现代语言与管理研究 (双重荣誉)(Modern Languages with Management Studies (Double Honours))
- 分子生物学和遗传学(Molecular Biology and Genetics)
- 摩根士丹利资本国际生物科学(MSci Biological Sciences)
- 自然科学(Natural Sciences)
- 一年海外学习自然科学(Natural Sciences with a Year Abroad)
- 一年在行业自然科学(Natural Sciences with a Year in Industry)
- 护理 (成人)(Nursing (Adult))
- 护理 (儿童)(Nursing (Children))
- 护理 (学习障碍)(Nursing (Learning Disability))
- 护理 (精神健康)(Nursing (Mental Health))
- 职业疗法(Occupational Therapy)
- 经营部实践(Operating Department Practice)
- 护理人员科学(Paramedic Science)
- 药理学和药物发现(Pharmacology and Drug Discovery)
- 药剂学(Pharmacy)
- 药房 (5 年综合大师)(Pharmacy (5 year integrated masters))
- 药学与基础年(Pharmacy with a Foundation Year)
- 哲学(Philosophy)
- 哲学 (含基础年)(Philosophy (with a Foundation Year))
- 哲学和历史(Philosophy and History)
- 哲学与政治(Philosophy and Politics)
- 哲学、 政治学和经济学(Philosophy, Politics and Economics)
- 体育教育(Physical Education)
- 理疗(Physiotherapy)
- 政治(Politics)
- 政治 (含基础年)(Politics (with a Foundation Year))
- 政治和经济(Politics and Economics)
- 政治与媒体研究(Politics and Media Studies)
- 心理学(Psychology)
- 一年海外学习心理学(Psychology with a Year Abroad)
- 编导和表演(Scriptwriting and Performance)
- 社会心理学(Social Psychology)
- 一年海外学习社会心理学(Social Psychology with a Year Abroad)
- 社会工作(Social Work)
- 社会工作 (研究生条目)(Social Work (Postgraduate Entry))
- 社会、 文化和媒体(Society, Culture and Media)
- 语音和语言治疗(Speech and Language Therapy)
- 笔译和口译与现代语言 (双荣誉)(Translation and Interpreting with Modern Languages (Double Honours))
- 翻译、 媒体和现代语言(Translation, Media and Modern Language)
- 翻译、 媒体和现代语言 (法语或西班牙语)-3 yr 选项(Translation, Media and Modern Language (French or Spanish) - 3yr option)
- 翻译、 媒体和现代语言 (双荣誉)(Translation, Media and Modern Languages (Double Honours))