单科目(Single subjects)
- 会计与金融(Accounting and Finance)
- 会计与金融 (与安置)(Accounting and Finance (with placement))
- 会计和财务管理研究(Accounting and Financial Management Studies)
- 广告(Advertising)
- 动物生物学(Animal Biology)
- 动画(Animation)
- 应用的社会科学(Applied Social Sciences)
- 应用的运动与运动研究(Applied Sport and Exercise Studies)
- 艺术史(Art History)
- 生物学(Biology)
- 商业计算(Business Computing)
- 商业计算(与安置)(Business Computing (with placement))
- 企业管理(Business Management)
- 商务管理 (2 年快速)(Business Management (2 years fast-track))
- 商务管理 (与放置 3 年)(Business Management (3 years with placement))
- 商务管理 (4 年安置)(Business Management (4 years with placement))
- 商务管理和策略(Business Management and Strategy)
- 儿童和青年人的实践(Children and Young People's Practice)
- 社区和健康管理(Community and Health Management)
- 计算机和网络取证(Computer and Cyber Forensics)
- 计算机和网络取证 (与安置)(Computer and Cyber Forensics (with placement))
- 计算机游戏设计(Computer Games Design)
- 计算机游戏设计 (与安置)(Computer Games Design (with placement))
- 电脑游戏编程(Computer Games Programming)
- 计算机游戏编程 (安置)(Computer Games Programming (with placement))
- 计算(Computing)
- 计算 (与放置)(Computing (with placement))
- 创意写作(Creative Writing)
- 犯罪学(Criminology)
- 网络和计算机安全(Cyber and Computer Security)
- 网络和计算机安全 (安置)(Cyber and Computer Security (with placement))
- 设计与应用的艺术(Design and Applied Arts)
- 数字媒体和 Web 技术(Digital Media and Web Technologies)
- 数字媒体和 Web 技术 (与安置)(Digital Media and Web Technologies (with placement))
- 戏剧(Drama)
- 戏剧和表演(Drama and Performance)
- 儿童早期研究(Early Childhood Studies)
- 早期儿童研究与早年教师地位(Early Childhood Studies with Early Years Teacher Status)
- 生态学和环境科学(Ecology and Environmental Science)
- 教育和学习 (XX31)(Education and Learning (XX31) )
- 教育研究(Education Studies)
- 英语语言(English Language)
- 英语文学(English Literature)
- 事件管理(Events Management)
- 事件管理 (与安置)(Events Management (with placement))
- 事件旅游管理 (N991)(Events Tourism Management (N991) )
- 锻炼、 健身和健康(Exercise, Fitness and Health)
- 时装和纺织品(Fashion and Textiles)
- 服装设计(Fashion Design)
- 电影制作(Film Production)
- 电影研究(Film Studies)
- 美术(Fine Art)
- 游戏、 Web 和应用程序设计(Games, Web and Apps Design)
- 地理(Geography)
- 平面设计(Graphic Design)
- 卫生和社会护理实践(Health and Social Care Practice)
- 健康、 社区和社会护理(Health, Community and Social Care)
- 历史(History)
- 酒店、 度假村和事件管理(Hotel, Resort and Events Management)
- 酒店、 度假村和旅游管理(Hotel, Resort and Tourism Management)
- 插图(Illustration)
- 综合的工程(Integrated Engineering)
- 室内设计(Interior Design)
- 国际商务管理(International Business Management)
- 国际商务管理 (与安置)(International Business Management (with placement))
- 国际商务研究(International Business Studies)
- 新闻(Journalism)
- 景观设计(Landscape Architecture)
- 法律(Law)
- 杂志编辑工作和生产(Magazine Journalism and Production)
- 市场营销(Marketing)
- 市场营销、 广告和品牌(Marketing, Advertising and Branding)
- 媒体制作(Media Production)
- 媒体制作 (6 级)(Media Production (Level 6))
- 心理健康实践(Mental Health Practice)
- 音乐和媒体管理(Music and Media Management)
- 音乐剧(Musical Theatre)
- 表演艺术(Performing Arts)
- 表演艺术 (W401)(Performing Arts (W401) )
- 摄影(Photography)
- 摄影-社论和广告(Photography - Editorial and Advertising)
- 新闻摄影、 纪实摄影(Photojournalism and Documentary Photography)
- 体育教育(Physical Education)
- 体育教学与辅导(Physical Education and Coaching)
- 流行音乐(Popular Music)
- 初等教育(Primary Education)
- 小学教育 (数学专业)(Primary Education (Maths Specialism))
- 产品设计(Product Design)
- 心理学(Psychology)
- 心理学和社会学(Psychology and Sociology)
- 电台(Radio)
- 宗教、 哲学、 伦理学(Religion, Philosophy and Ethics)
- 社会工作(Social Work)
- 社会学(Sociology)
- 体育与运动科学(Sport and Exercise Sciences)
- 体育教练(Sports Coaching)
- 运动训练与发展(Sports Coaching and Development)
- 体育发展和培训(Sports Development and Coaching)
- 体育新闻(Sports Journalism)
- 体育管理(Sports Management)
- 体育管理和发展(Sports Management and Development)
- 体育实力和调节(Sports Strength and Conditioning)
- 体育疗法(Sports Therapy)
- 影视制作(Television Production)
- 视觉传达(Visual Communication)
- 青年和社区工作和实用神学(Youth and Community Work and Practical Theology)
- 青年工作(Youth Work)
- 动物管理(Zoological Management)